Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"Fat" Windows Embedded Standard 2009

Prepare Build System (XP or Vista) 
copy bootsect.exe from vista install DVD to your build system
Install "Windows Embedded Standard 2009 - DVD" 
Install SQL express from DVD
Download and install the following (just so your build system is complete):
Windows Installer Service 4.5 for Windows Embedded Standard 2009
Internet Explorer 8 for Windows Embedded Standard 2009
Silverlight 3 for Windows Embedded Standard 2009
.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and .NET Framework 3.5 Client Profile for Windows embedded Standard 2009
On-Screen Login Keyboard for Windows embedded Standard 2009
Silverlight 2 for Windows Embedded Standard 2009
From download "Full XP Pro Like Solution" and any others you might want
Extract the SLD file
Run Component Database Manager
Import "Full Xp Pro WES2009.SLD"
From WES2009 install folder "Program Files\Windows Embedded\Utilities" copy tap.exe and ta.exe to a USB disk

Analyze Target
On target system run tap.exe or ta.exe generating a device.pqm file
tap.exe creates the best results but requires XP, 2000, or 2003 to be running on target system
tap.exe should run from Windows PE boot disk(from Windows AIK) (verify?)
ta.exe can run from DOS but might create incomplete analysis
On build system launch Component Designer
Import device.pqm and save the generated <target_system>.sld
Open Component Database Manager and import <target_system>.sld into database

Build Image
Start Target Designer
Create new target
expand "full xp pro wes2009"
dbl click "full xp pro wes2009"
add your system component <target_system>
add Software/System/System Services/Base/NT Loader
add software/system/system services/USB Boot 2.0
Check Dependencies (F5)
If no errors, Build Image (F7)

Prepare USB
Insert USB Disk
from Admin CMD promt run dispart.exe
diskpart>list disk
choose the correct drive:
diskpart>select disk 1
diskpart>detail disk
diskpart>create partition primary
diskpart>format fs=fat32        or fs=ntfs
Verify your new disk is mounted and note <drive letter>
bootsect /nt52 <drive letter>        (xp boot sector) note: /nt60 (Vista boot sector)

xcopy c:\windows embedded images\*.* <drive letter> /e /y